At Hammer Serna & Quinn, LLC, our Evanston divorce lawyers are experienced, future-focused advocates for clients. With a commitment to helping people find amicable solutions, we are also prepared to take strong legal action to protect your family law rights. If you have any questions or concerns about the divorce process, professional guidance and support is available. To schedule your fully private case review with an Evanston divorce attorney, please contact us today.
Each year, thousands of couples in Cook County and the surrounding region file for divorce. If you are getting divorced in Evanston, you need to know how to protect your rights and interests. Here are some of the most important things to understand about divorce in Illinois:
A divorce is about the future more than it is about the past—it is about protecting yourself and setting yourself up to move forward. At Hammer Serna & Quinn, LLC, we provide comprehensive family law representation to our clients. Among other things, our Evanston divorce lawyers handle:
At Hammer Serna & Quinn, LLC, our Evanston divorce lawyers work tirelessly to protect the rights of our clients and to help them achieve their goals. If you have questions about divorce, we can help. Call us now or connect with us directly online for a strictly confidential initial consultation. Our law firm provides family law services in Evanston, Cook County, and throughout Northern Illinois.
Call or email Hammer Serna & Quinn, LLC today to schedule a consultation.